Cosmos (ATOM)

Promoted CoinWebsiteVotesDiversity Score
PCratD2C (CratD2C)CratD2C favicon cratd2csmartchain.io562 Vote!381
CoinWebsiteVotesDiversity Score
47Cosmos (ATOM)Cosmos favicon http://cosmos.network2762 Vote!17

Cosmos is a cryptocurrency listed on this website since 21.12.2021. The ticker symbol of Cosmos is ATOM. Visit for more details on this coin.

Cosmos has received 2762 votes in total and its Diversity Score is 17. The higher the Diversity Score the more diverse the people that voted for it. This means that they are coming from different backgrounds, countries.

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What is Coin Diversity (

There exist many cryptocurrency listing websites where you can hunt for new crypto gems. The not so well known fact is that most of them are easy to cheat by using bots/proxies to vote. Coin Diversity aims to fix that by ranking the projects differently. We rank them not by the number of votes, but instead by how unique were the people/devices that voted for the particular coin.


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