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165METAMUSK (METAMUSK)METAMUSK favicon muskmetaverse.io982 Vote!14

METAMUSK is a Binance Smart Chain token listed on Coin Diversity since 03.04.2022. The ticker symbol of METAMUSK is METAMUSK and its contract address is 0x734c5f3f8f6ad9697b26ecc6388678aafd3db3b2. More information about this coin can be found on

METAMUSK has received 982 votes in total and its Diversity Score is 14. Coins that are voted for by people from greater range of different backgrounds/countries receive higher Diversity Score.

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There are tens of coin voting websites where you can find new crypto moonshots. However most of them are easy to cheat by using bots/VPN/proxies to vote. Coin Diversity aims to fix that by ranking the projects differently. We rank them not by the number of votes, but instead by our unique Diversity Score which measures how unique were the people/devices that voted for the particular coin.


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